JavaScript Execution

Aviator allows for executing custom JS code with Pilot automated actions or the MergeQueue ready hook. Learn more details about how it happens in our guide.

Aviator has support for executing custom JavaScript code using Pilot automated actions or the MergeQueue ready hook.

For security and sandboxing purposes, The Pilot JavaScript execution does not provide most standard web APIs (such as fetch). Instead, several integrations with MergeQueue, GitHub, and Slack are provided.

Each Javascript code execution has maximum time limit of 10 seconds, and you can write arbitrary javascript within the bounds of provided APIs and context.

Global Context

For each Javascript execution, Aviator provides the a few variables for global context. These variables can be used to query data or take action.

$aviator or aviator

Represents the top level context. It has 3 properties: github, slack and mergequeue. These properties can also be used directly with $github, $slack and $mergequeue respectively. Example:

aviator.github.addLabel({ label: "urgent", target: });




Corresponds to the GitHub component, and can also be used directly. Example:

$github.addLabel({ label: "urgent", target: });


Corresponds to the Slack component and can also be used directly. Example:

${text: "A reset was caused by PR#" + event.pullRequest.number })


Corresponds to the MergeQueue component, and can be used directly. Example:

$mergequeue.copyPullRequest({branch: "c/" + event.pullRequest.head.ref})


Represents the standard javascript console. Although these console logs are not captured anywhere.

Local Context

For each Javascript execution, Aviator also provides a local context associated with the trigger that caused the javascript to be executed. This is defined as event object. An event can be of multiple types. Each trigger event represents one even type:


Associated with a pull_request trigger. It has a the following properties:

  • event.pullRequest - a PullRequest object

  • event.action - string representing the action on the pull request.

  • event.sender - a GitHubUser object representing the user who took the action on the pull request

  • event.repository - a GitHub repository object


Associated with a pull_request_review trigger. It has the following properties:

  • event.pullRequest - a PullRequest object

  • event.action - string representing the action on the pull request.

  • event.sender - a GitHubUser object representing the user who took the action on the pull request

  • event.repository - a GitHubRepository object

  • - a Review object


Associated with a merge_queue trigger. It has the following properties:

  • event.pullRequest - a PullRequest object

  • event.action - string representing the action on the pull request

  • event.repository - a GitHubRepository object

Event Objects


  • url - string representing the URL of the pull request. E.g.

  • number - integer representing PR number, e.g.: 6301

  • state - string representing state of the PR, possible values: open, pending, queued, blocked and merged

  • user - a GitHubUser object representing the author of the PR

  • skipLine - boolean. True when the PR is a skip-line label (associated with MergeQueue)

  • skipLineReason - string (optional). If skip line reason was provided

  • id - representing a unique identifier for a pull request. e.g. aviator-co/mergeit#6301

  • base - a PullRequestRef object representing the base branch of this PR.

  • head - a PullRequestRef object representing the head branch of this PR.


  • ref - string representing a branch, e.g. master


  • login - string representing the GitHub username


  • name - string representing the name of the repository, e.g. mergeit

  • fullName - string representing the org name and repository name together, e.g. aviator-co/mergeit


  • user - The GithubUser who submitted the review

  • body - string representing the contents of the review

  • state - string representing approved, changes_requested, commented

Last updated

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