
Pause / unpause the merging of PRs on a repository.

POST https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/repo


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"org": "org_name", "name": "repo_name", "paused": true }' https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/repo/

Request Body

  "org": "ankitjaindce",
  "name": "testrepo",
  "paused": false

Fetch the list of repositories along with their pause and active status.

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/repo

The results are paginated with maximum 10 results in every request.

Query Parameters

        "active": false,
        "name": "public-test",
        "org": "aviator-co",
        "paused": false
        "active": true,
        "name": "testrepo",
        "org": "aviator-co",
        "paused": false


Pause / unpause the merging of PRs for specific base branches.

POST https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/branches

You can specify a glob pattern of base branches to pause or activate the Aviator queue. This ensures that you can continue merging branches to other base branches. You can override to pause / unpause all branches by using the Repository endpoint described above.


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "pattern": "release-*", "repository": {"org": "aviator", "name": "av-demo-release"}, "paused": true, "paused_message": "This release branch has been paused."}' https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/branches

Request Body

    "pattern": "release-*",
    "repository": {
      "org": "aviator",
      "name": "av-demo-release"
    "paused": true

Get base branches and their statuses (paused / unpaused)

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/branches

You can specify a glob pattern of base branches to fetch the status of. If not provided, it will fetch the status of all base branches for a specific repository. Example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "repository": {"org": "aviator", "name": "av-demo-release"}, "pattern": "release-*"}' https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/branches

Query Parameters

    "branches": [
            "pattern": "release-*",
            "paused": true
            "paused_message": "This branch is currently paused for the release"
    "repository": {
        "name": "av-demo-release"
        "org": "aviator"


Queue or Dequeue a Pull Request

POST https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/pull_request

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"action": "queue", "pull_request": {"number": 1234, "repository": {"name": "repo_name", "org": "org_name"}, "head_commit_sha":" "69f4404fda48aa2932abfbcb6956a9ccd473b17d", "affected_targets": ["targetA", "targetB"], "merge_commit_message": {"title": "This is where title goes", "body": "This is where body goes"}}}' https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/pull_request/

Request Body

  "pull_request": {
    "number": 1234,
    "status": "queued",
    "queued": true,
    "title": "[TASK-123] This is a new bug",
    "author": "av_user",
    "head_branch": "av/new_fix",
    "base_branch": "main",
    "repository": {
      "name": "av-demo",
      "org": "aviator-co"

Request to backport a PR on the specified target branch.

POST https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/pull_request/backport


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"target_branch": "release-v1", "source_pull": {"number": 1234, "repository": {"name": "repo_name", "org": "org_name"}}}' https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/pull_request/backport

Request Body

    "source_pull": {
      "number": 1234,
      "repository": {
        "org": "aviator",
        "name": "av-demo-release"
    "target_branch": "release-v1",
    "message": "Backporting initiated for 1234 to release-v1. Check comments in the PR #1234 for the status"

Fetch information of a PR based on the branch name or number

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/pull_request


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/pull_request?org=orgname&repo=reponame&branch=branchname

Query Parameters

    "author": "author-name",
    "base_branch": "master",
    "head_branch": "mq-qa-8440-1",
    "number": 89,
    "queued": true,
    "queued_at": "2022-11-16T17:21:41.350499",
    "repository": {
        "name": "repo-name",
        "org": "org-name"
    "skip_line": false,
    "status": "queued",
    "title": "mq-qa-8440-1"

Fetch information of PRs that are in the queued state

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/pull_request/queued


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/pull_request/queued?org=orgname&repo=reponame&base_branch=master

Query Parameters

    "pull_requests": [
            "author": "ohcnivek",
            "base_branch": "master",
            "head_branch": "mq-qa-8440-1",
            "number": 89,
            "queued": true,
            "queued_at": "2022-11-16T17:21:41.350499",
            "repository": {
                "name": "kevin-test",
                "org": "ohcnivek"
            "skip_line": false,
            "status": "queued",
            "title": "mq-qa-8440-1"
            "author": "ohcnivek",
            "base_branch": "master",
            "head_branch": "mq-qa-8440-2",
            "number": 90,
            "queued": true,
            "queued_at": "2022-11-16T17:21:50.001884",
            "repository": {
                "name": "kevin-test",
                "org": "ohcnivek"
            "skip_line": false,
            "status": "queued",
            "title": "mq-qa-8440-2"
            "author": "ohcnivek",
            "base_branch": "master",
            "head_branch": "mq-qa-8440-3",
            "number": 91,
            "queued": true,
            "queued_at": "2022-11-16T17:22:00.185823",
            "repository": {
                "name": "kevin-test",
                "org": "ohcnivek"
            "skip_line": false,
            "status": "queued",
            "title": "mq-qa-8440-3"


Fetch information of PRs associated with a provided Bot PullRequest

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/bot_pull_request

A Bot PR is a draft PR created during parallel mode to validate the CI.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/bot_pull_request?org=orgname&repo=reponame&number=1234

Query Parameters

  "head_commit_sha": "acffa575c02f2cf000aabe69f44e8905bc04c25d",
  "pull_requests": [
      "author": "author-name",
      "base_branch": "master",
      "head_branch": "mq-qa-8440-1",
      "number": 89,
      "queued": true,
      "queued_at": "2022-11-16T17:21:41.350499",
      "repository": {
          "name": "repo-name",
          "org": "org-name"
      "skip_line": false,
      "status": "queued",
      "title": "mq-qa-8440-1"


Fetch the current YAML config associated with the given GitHub repository.

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/config


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/config?org=orgname&repo=reponame

Query Parameters

     trigger: "mergequeue"
    type: "parallel"
      max_parallel_builds: 10
        - build_and_test
        - 'ci/circleci: build'

Change the YAML config associated with the given GitHub repository.

POST https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/config

The request accepts the payload as the raw string YAML format, and returns back response in a JSON format.


curl -X POST --data-raw "$(cat /Users/aviator-demo/config.text)" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" "https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/config?repo=repo_name&org=org_name"

Query Parameters

  "success": true

Config Change

Fetch the history of config changes associated with a given repository.

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/config/history

Returns a list of config history events as diffs of changes. repo and org must be provided.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/config/history?org=orgname&repo=reponame

Query Parameters

  "repository": {
    "name": "mergeit",
    "org": "aviator"
  "history": [{
      "applied_by": {
        "email": "email@email.com",
        "gh_username": "jainankit"
      "applied_at": "2022-11-16T17:21:41.350499Z"
      "commit_sha": "85d419bbca585f04456083fd98b7858c0f1e4d13",
      "diff": "-     publish: \"always\"\n+     publish: \"ready\"",

The modified_by property contains email and gh_username. If the config was modified from the Dashboard, email of the user would be present, and if the config was modified from the GitHub repo change, a gh_username would be present. commit_sha property may also be only present if the change was made from the GitHub repository.


Get list of analytics objects representing statistics on a daily basis.

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/analytics


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <aviator_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/analytics/?start=2021-07-14&end=2021-07-21&timezone=America/Los_Angeles&repo=orgname/reponame

Query Parameters


Get live statistics about the state of the merge queue

GET https://api.aviator.co/api/v1/queue/stats

Currently this endpoint only reports statistics about the depth of the queue.

Query Parameters

  // Stats about the current depth of the queue.
  "depth": {
    // The total number of PRs that are in the queue.
    // Excludes PRs that have not been queued yet or that have been
    // marked as blocked.
    "queued": 8, 
    // The number of PRs actively being processed.
    // In serial mode, this value is always equal to the "queued" value.
    // In parallel mode, this will be at most the "max_parallel_builds" setting
    // and indicates the numbers of PRs that have draft PRs created.
    "processing": 2, 
    // The number of PRs that are queued but not yet being processed.
    // In parallel mode, this is equal to queued - processing.
    // In serial mode, this is always zero.
    "waiting": 6

Last updated