Directory-Based Affected Targets

If you don't use Bazel like systems to auto-generate the affected targets, you can instead manually define targets based on your directory structure. There are two ways to do it.

Automated (preferred)

A GitHub action can be created to automatically assign affected targets to reach PR.

name: Aviator Queue PR
    types: [ labeled ]
    if: ${{ == 'av-ready' }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: dorny/paths-filter@v2
      id: filter
        filters: |
            - '.github/workflows/*'
            - billing/.*
            - tests/*
            - *.txt
    - run: |
        TARGETS=${{ toJSON(steps.filter.outputs.changes) }}
        PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.number }}
        curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.AVIATOR_API_KEY }}" \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -d '{
          "action": "queue",
          "pull_request": {
              "number": '"$PR_NUMBER"',
              "repository": {"name": "testrepo", "org": "ankitjaindce"},
              "affected_targets": '"$TARGETS"'

A few things to note:

  • We use path-filters action to capture all the file path changes in the given PR.

  • You may also want to store the API access token as AVIATOR_API_KEY in GitHub secrets. or replace the secrets above

  • filters are the various directory packages that you can define as various affected targets. It accepts glob format and you can define more than 1 path per affected target. You may also optionally specify this in a separate file. Read more on the path-filters action documentation.

  • This will queue the PR in Aviator. You can also want to setup a similar GH action to dequeue when the label is removed.

  • This label av-ready should be separate from the label defined in Aviator’s configuration.

Manually specify targets

If you prefer to do this manually, you can also specify the affected targets as a Slash command comment in your PR. The targets can be represented as a comma separated list in the /aviator merge command:

/aviator merge --targets=frontend,api,android

Although Manual approach is much simpler, it is prone to human errors and is a less preferred approach.

Last updated