Directory-Based Affected Targets

Get setup instructions for automated and manually specified targets. Learn how to manually define targets based on your directory structure in our guide.

If you don't use Bazel like systems to auto-generate the affected targets, you can instead manually define targets based on your directory structure. There are two ways to do it.

Automated (preferred)

A GitHub action can be created to automatically assign affected targets to reach PR.

name: Aviator Queue PR
    types: [ labeled ]
    if: ${{ == 'av-ready' }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: dorny/paths-filter@v2
      id: filter
        filters: |
            - '.github/workflows/*'
            - billing/.*
            - tests/*
            - *.txt
    - run: |
        TARGETS=${{ toJSON(steps.filter.outputs.changes) }}
        PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.number }}
        curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.AVIATOR_API_KEY }}" \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -d '{
          "action": "queue",
          "pull_request": {
              "number": '"$PR_NUMBER"',
              "repository": {"name": "testrepo", "org": "ankitjaindce"},
              "affected_targets": '"$TARGETS"'

A few things to note:

  • We use path-filters action to capture all the file path changes in the given PR.

  • You may also want to store the API access token as AVIATOR_API_KEY in GitHub secrets. or replace the secrets above

  • filters are the various directory packages that you can define as various affected targets. It accepts glob format and you can define more than 1 path per affected target. You may also optionally specify this in a separate file. Read more on the path-filters action documentation.

  • This will queue the PR in Aviator. You can also want to setup a similar GH action to dequeue when the label is removed.

  • This label av-ready should be separate from the label defined in Aviator’s configuration.

Manually specify targets

If you prefer to do this manually, you can also specify the affected targets as a Slash command comment in your PR. The targets can be represented as a comma separated list in the /aviator merge command:

/aviator merge --targets=frontend,api,android

Although Manual approach is much simpler, it is prone to human errors and is a less preferred approach.

Last updated

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