Learn more about the av(1) command, which allows you to manage stacked pull requests with Aviator. View subcomands related to av(1) in manual pages.
av - Aviator CLI
av allows you to manage stacked pull requests with Aviator.
av-adopt(1): Adopt branches that are not managed by
av-auth(1): Show info about the logged in user
av-branch(1): Create or rename a branch in the stack
av-commit(1): Record changes to the repository with commits
av-diff(1): Show the diff between working tree and parent branch
av-fetch(1): Fetch latest repository state from GitHub
av-init(1): Initialize the repository for
av-next(1): Checkout the next branch in the stack
av-orphan(1): Orphan branches that are managed by
av-pr-status(1): Get the status of the associated pull request
av-pr(1): Create a pull request for the current branch
av-prev(1): Checkout the previous branch in the stack
av-reorder(1): Interactively reorder the stack
av-reparent(1): Change the parent of the current branch
av-restack(1): Rebase the stacked branches
av-split-commit(1): Split a commit into multiple commits
av-switch(1): Interactively switch to a different branch
av-sync(1): Synchronize stacked branches with GitHub
av-tidy(1): Tidy stacked branches
av-tree(1): Show the tree of stacked branches
See Aviator documentation for the help document beyond Aviator CLI.
Last updated