Read documentation to configure Aviator's StackedPRs CLI, also known as av CLI.
The av CLI looks for a config file in a few places:
.git/av/config.yaml (if running the av command inside of a git repository)
Config option reference
config.yaml (sample)
# Configuration that controls how av communicates with GitHub
# REQUIRED (for `av pr create`)
# The GitHub personal access token that av uses to authenticate to GitHub
# You can create a token at
token: "ghp_abcdefghijklmnop"
# The GitHub base URL to use.
# Only set this if you use an on-prem enterprise GitHub installation
# (leave blank if your repo is hosted on
baseUrl: ""
# If true, always open PRs as a draft.
# If false, PRs will be opened as ready-for-review unless the --draft flag
# is specified on commands that create pull requests.
draft: false
# If true, pull requests will be temporarily transitioned to draft state
# while being rebased. This avoids accidentally adding unnecessary reviewers
# to a pull request due to a CODEOWNERS file while the pull request is in a
# transient state. This only applies when a pull request's base branch is
# changing.
# If not specified in the config, the default value is true if there is a
# CODEOWNERS file present and false otherwise.
rebaseWithDraft: false
# If true, open a web browser to the pull request page whenever a pull
# request is created for the first time.
openBrowser: true
# By default, when the pull request title contains "WIP", it automatically sets
# the PR as a draft PR. Setting this to true suppresses this behavior.
noWipDetection: false
# Branch prefix to use for creating new branches.
branchNamePrefix: "alice/"
# If true, the CLI will automatically add/update a comment to all PRs linking
# other PRs in the stack. False by default.
writeStack: false
# The base URL for the Aviator API to use. The default is
# This can be changed if you use on-prem installation.
apiHost: ""
# API token to use for authenticating to the Aviator API.
apiToken: "..."
# Additional trunk branch names. By default, av CLI uses the branch pointed by HEAD.
- dev
# The remote name. By default av CLI uses "origin".
remote: "origin"