Getting started
FlexReview is a low-config tool that uses pull request history to dynamically understand code ownership.
Step 1: Connect
During the initial setup, you will be asked to connect the Aviator GitHub app to your GitHub repository to use FlexReview.
If you have trouble connecting the app, please read the troubleshooting doc.
Step 2: Activate
At this point, you can choose the repository you want to start with. When activating FlexReview on a GitHub repository, it'll be enabled in the read-only mode. That means, FlexReview won't interact with any PRs directly, but you will be able to use the slash commands. This gives you an opportunity to fine-tune and test out FlexReview before turning on the automation.
Step 3: Test suggestions
FlexReview make take a few seconds to index some teams and pull request data from your repository. Once indexed, you should be able to test out the suggestions. Remember that the suggestions here are still imperfect since FlexReview has only completed initial indexing. The full indexing continues in the background.
Enter the pull request number in the textbox to see the suggestions on this page, or use the Slash command in GitHub comments to get suggestions directly in your pull request view.
If it takes longer than 60 seconds to index the initial data, please try refreshing the page, or contact us at
Step 4: Configuration
FlexReview requires a minimal configuration. Once you have tested Aviator FlexReview manually using Slash commands, you can turn on the auto suggestions and the approval checks on the config page. To activate this for the entire repository, simply add *
in the Reviewer Suggestion and Approval Check settings. All subsequent pull requests will start seeing the suggested reviewers and GitHub status checks when they are ready for review.
To learn more about how FlexReview works, please read the Concepts and How-to-guides and check out the complete reference guide to understand all the configurations.
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to
Last updated