Slack Integration for On-Premise

Learn steps to set up Slack notifications for on-prem installations. To use Aviator's Slack notifications, you will need to set up and connect a Slack app.

There are extra steps for the on-prem installations in order to use Slack Integration.

Create your Slack App

To use Aviator’s Slack notifications, your team will need to set up a Slack app. Follow the steps below.

Set up app credentials

Navigate to Basic Information. Here you will find the information that allows your app to access the Slack API.

You’ll also need to add info for your GitHub app. Find it under General > About and Client secrets at the top of your app page.

Set the following environment variables:

SLACK_APP_ID = "..."


Feel free to set an app icon for Aviator in Display Information.

Add Features and Functionality

Select the following:

  • Incoming Webhooks

  • Slash Commands

  • Bots

  • Permissions

OAuth and Permissions

Redirect URL

Set up a redirect URL: https://<your_domain>/internal/api/slack/oauth/finish


Select the following Bot Token Scopes: chat:write, chat:write.customize, commands, im:write, incoming-webhook. Please make sure to set these correctly, they are required for the Slack OAuth flow.

Add Slash commands

Create the following slash command, it will link a user’s Slack account with their Aviator activity on GitHub so individuals can receive DMs about their own PRs.

Command: /aviator

Request URL: https://<your_domain>/slack/slash_command

Short Description: connect your Slack account

Usage Hint: connect

Connect the App

Follow the instructions here to connect the app to your account and get notifications: Slack Integration.

Last updated

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