Create an Access Token

GitHub Personal Access Token

If GitHub CLI is installed and set up on your computer, av CLI automatically uses the same credential for interacting with GitHub. Alternatively, you can create a personal access token (classic) to authenticate with GitHub on your behalf.

  1. Create a name and expiration for your token.

    • The generated token should have the repo scope (all other scopes can be left un-checked).

Put the created Personal Access Token in ~/.av/config.yaml.

    token: "ghp_abcdefghijklmnop"

Aviator User Access Token

User Access Tokens are used to authenticate with the Aviator REST API and Aviator GraphQL API.

  1. Create a name and expiration for your token.

    • The token should be in the format av_uat_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Add it to your Aviator configuration file ~/.av/config.yaml as shown below.

    apiToken: "av_uat_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

You can verify that your token works with av auth status.

$ av auth status
You are logged in as <your_email>.

Last updated