
The Aviator command line tool (invoked as av) can be used to streamline and automate common tasks within your Git and GitHub workflows. Currently, the tool is used primarily to manage Stacked PRs.

First-time setup

1. Download the command line tool

The av tool can be installed in a few ways, depending on your operating system and package manager preferences.

Homebrew (MacOS, Linux)

First, if not already done, install Homebrew.

Then, install av using the Homebrew tap.

brew install aviator-co/tap/av

Download executable (advanced, all operating systems)

Download the latest av executable from the GitHub releases page on the av repository. Extract the archive and add the executable to your PATH.

2. Connect av to GitHub

The av tool uses a GitHub personal access token (PAT) to authenticate with GitHub on your behalf. This is required to create and inspect PRs (e.g., when using the av pr create command). The generated token should have the repo scope (all other scopes can be left un-checked).

Add the GitHub token to your av config file (make sure to create the ~/.av directory first):

    # Replace this value with the token you created in the step above
    token: "ghp_abcdefghijklmnop"

3. Initialize your repository

Finally, in the repo where you want to use av, make sure to initialize the repository. From within your git repository, run the following command:

av init



Run the following command to upgrade av if it was installed with Homebrew.

brew upgrade av

Download executable

Follow the installation instructions above and overwrite the previous av binary with the newly downloaded binary.

Last updated